Wonders Without Number

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JOIN The Wonders Without Number

Evangelical Missions

Preparing the Saints for the Second Coming

Raising & grooming scripturally sound believers, prayer evangelists & watchmen for the kingdom world harvest. 

We Support the Poor

We provide support for the poor and the needy with various relevant resources as the case demands. Visiting orphanages and special homes to strengthen them with provisions from time to time.

Healings & Deliverances

Bringing health and vitality on the wings of the Spirit; ensuring the spiritual, soulish & material prosperity of God’s people.

Prevailing Prayers

We enforce the prophetic will of God for the nations of the earth by penetrating & saturating the nations with prevailing prayers via the weekly programs.

WWN Crusades

We create 24/7 Global Network of fervent-praying believers; spreading the Prayer-Fire across the Nations through crusades, hence, sustaining the Earth.

Raising Kingdom Ambassadors

Building people who are lovers of God, pursuers of God’s Agenda, Incubators, custodians, pillars and precision executors of God’s divine plans and purpose for the world.

Experience Divine Transformation with Wonders Without Number!" Engage with a community committed to spiritual growth and transformation
Dive into our sea of soul-stirring resources, fostering spiritual growth across the globe
Embrace your Spiritual Awakening with Wonders Without Number!
We're a global Christian community focused on kindling the divine spark within you
Join Wonders Without Number: Where Prayers Invoke Miracles!
Be a part of an international prayer movement, creating ripples of change with each whispered prayer
Wonders Without Number: Fostering Global Unity through Prayer!
Join a network of believers traversing boundaries, inspiring faith, and sparking spiritual transformation

Account Details for Direct Transfers For Partners | Donations

Account Details for Direct Transfers For Partners from Cameroon


Upcoming Events

Apostle (Prof.) Johnson Suleman


WWN Charity Works

We provide support for the poor and the needy with various relevant resources as the case demands. Visiting orphanages and special homes to strengthen them with provisions from time to time.

Partner Now With WWN

Join the WWN membership today. A prayer platform where lives are turned around!


$ 25
Per Month
  • Weekly Newsletter & Wisdom Tips from the Apostle’s Desk
  • Exclusive Members-Only Special Prayers & Prophetic Declarations Twice Every Month
  • 24hrs Partners-Only Chat Community for Interaction, Feedbacks, Testimonies, Suggestions & Enquiries With Technical Team Once Every Week (Every Wednesday)
  • All WWN Partners-Only Live Chats & Comments Spotlight During Live Broadcast On Youtube (Every Wednesday)
  • 30 minutes monthly Partners-Only Livestreams With the Apostle


$ 50
Per Month
  • All Benefits In Bronze Partnership
  • Exclusive Yearly Access to Partners Meeting With the Apostle (Requires 6 Months Cf Consistent Partnership)
  • Key Takeaway Clips from All Special Teachings Of 5 Major Programs (3 Months Of Consistent Partnership Terms Apply)
  • 5 Minutes Exclusive Prayer Access With the Apostle Yearly (9 Months Of Consistent Partnership Term Apply)
  • LIVE Q&A Interactive Session With the Apostle (15 Months Of Consistent Partnership Apply}
  • Early Exclusive Access to Special & Artistic Contents Produced Or to be Released By the Apostle e.g. Books, Gospel Music Singles etc.


$ 100
Per Month
  • All Silver Features
  • Specially Curated, Partners-Only Segment Of Transformational Contents In the Apostle’s Digital Library (3 Months Of Consistent Partnership Term Apply)
  • Partners’ One-Week Prophetic Intercessory & Counselling Session (12 Months Partnership Terms Apply)
  • Lifetime Partnership Benefits & Special Access to Any Partners Meeting Globally; Virtual Or Physical (6 Months Of Consistent Partnership Term Apply)
  • Exclusive 50% Discount On All Branded Materials & Digital Book Copies – Comes In 2 Months Into the Partnership
  • Monthly LIVE Interactive Mentorship Masterclass with the Restoration Apostle (8 Months Of Consistent & Other Terms Apply)

Payment Methods

Payments Details for

Account Name:
Account No:
1222598621 (Naira)
5072382276 (Dollar)

Payment Methods:
Join the WWN Partnership from Cameroon

Send your Partnership Seed through MTN Mobile Money


Dial this code: *126*4722158*Amount# Account Name: Omega Fire – WWN Partnership